Lucy Guida

Profile picture

Let me introduce myself...

Hello! My name is Lucy Guida and I am a full-stack web developer based out of Philadelphia. I have background in research in psychology and linguistics and have been developing my web developer skills while exploring the intersection of those disciplines.

After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania with a major in Psychology and a minor in Spanish. I started a position at a data services startup that does a lot of work creating datasets for Natural Language Processing projects. (for those of you unfamiliar with NLP, it is essentially the branch of artificial intelligence that teaches computers how to read).

Other interests

Aside from coding, I have a number of other pursuits and interests that I cultivate during my free time.

  1. Classical Piano
  2. Choral music and group singing
  3. The Spanish language and Hispanic movies
  4. Film as an art form

About Me:

During my experience with NLP, I was exposed to huge datasets that required constant data management techniques. Through this, I began to learn Python bit by bit and soon it became my favorite part of my day. This realization brought me to the world of Web development! I have spent the past several months delving deeper and deeper into WebDev and I am excited to continue to add to my toolbox and to work with on a team with other amazing programmers! When I am not working on websites, I spend my time playing the piano, watching Spanish-language films, and fostering litters of kittens.


Basic Services:

  • Personal website creation
  • Customized administrative systems
  • Website improvement and design

Coding Langauges:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Python

Other Tools:

  • React
  • Express
  • Node
  • jQuery
  • RESTful APIs


Unbury Your Gays

Unbury Your Gays

Description: A search app for LGBTQ+ movies and tv shows. It allows users to browse titles they might not know and to search title by genre, language, actors, etc.

Skills used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Asynchronous Fetch Requests



Description: Schedulease is a full-stack app that allows users to create complicated schedules for large groups with various roles to play. The app joins an interactive, password-protected React front end with a customized Express back end.

Skills used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, RESTful APIs, Express, Node, PostgreSQL, React, NPM


Feel free to reach out to me on social media!